8 Ways to Convert Your Mobile Visitors into Customers

The number of smartphone users is now increasing by the minute. Practically everyone you meet owns at least one mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet, which they use to connect to the Internet while on the go. This is advantageous to mobile marketers and companies seeking to reach more customers on mobile. Of course, the downside here is that mobile users are usually impatient and fickle and would lose interest in a product or service all too soon. So how can you command the attention of your visitors and retain the same?

1. Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

In order to reach more potential customers, it is imperative for you to create a mobile-friendly version of your main Website. This Website should ideally be a lite version of your original one; one that is completely compatible with the major mobile devices and OS; also containing lesser graphics and video. Make sure that your Website content is clear and concise, coming directly to the point about the products and/or services you have to offer. It should load within the minimum time possible, so that visitors do not lose interest while browsing the same.

2. Generate Call-to-Action Content

Apart from the written content, your mobile Website should contain complete contact information, including address, email ID, phone numbers and the URL of your regular desktop Website. Inserting call-to-action content, such as a click-to-call feature, or tap-for-a-discount feature will further increase your chances of converting visitors to potential customers. Remember, mobile visitors would much rather make a quick call to you instead of taking the trouble to fill out a long-drawn-out form online. So make it easy for them to contact you at the mere tap of their phone screen.

3. Display Mobile Banner Ads

Invest in mobile display networks and banner advertisements, again inserting a click-to-call or tap-to-watch-video feature therein. This ad should immediately lead visitors to your mobile landing page; showcasing all your products and services; also ideally offering customers convenient payment methods either online or better still, via mobile.

4. Work with In-App Advertising

In-app advertising is the current mantra for an increasing number of mobile marketers. Once you have decided who your target audience is going to be, you should go about advertising your product within related apps. Services such as Google AdMob and Apple iAd can help you find the right apps for you to advertise in. Make sure to include all contact details in this advertisement, also generating click-to-call content.

5. Create QR Codes

Creating QR codes for your Website is a good idea; since it helps mobile users access you directly via this code. QR codes enable you to direct visitors to your mobile landing page, making it very convenient for them to make a call to you, send you an email and so on, all at a given point in time, while on the move.

6. Take Advantage of Mobile Social Media

Mobile social media is yet another very effective method to reach more customers, while also retaining your regular clients. Mobile users are increasingly accessing social networks such as Facebook and Twitter via their mobile devices, also using these channels for sharing information about their whereabouts, mobile activity and so on. Participating in these networks help you to reach out to people in your clients networks; thereby potentially enhancing your business prospects. You could additionally request your customers to spread the word about your products, offering them rewards for the same.

7. Market Your Products via SMS

SMS is another smart way of marketing your products, letting customers know about new additions, also engaging them by offering them periodic offers and discounts. This is much cheaper than traditional advertising and enables you to keep in constant touch with your customers. You can use text messaging to invite your clients to attend events, offer them discounts and coupons and so on. As always, remember to include a click-to-call link in each SMS that you send.

8. Use Mobile Email to Reach Out to Customers

Mobile marketing via email is one aspect that has largely been neglected in the past, and which is now slowly coming to the fore. It has been found now that an increasing number of users access their emails on their mobile devices. This presents a golden opportunity for mobile marketers and B2B companies to keep in touch with your clients, showcasing your latest products, offering them spot email discounts and so on.

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