Marketing your online business with Google reminds me of the famous California Gold Rush in 1848. Albert operated a gold mine that his father founded from the very first Gold Rush in 1799 at North Carolina. On February 1st, 1849 Albert and his friends John, Charles and Jake were drinking a beer when they heard the news about California Gold Rush. The announcer said, GOLD, GOLD EVERYWHERE, JUST PICK IT OFF THE GROUND. John, Charles, and Jake were envy of Albert, so they each went on a solo journey to California to find their very own gold mine.

As soon as John crossed the border to California he randomly picked a spot, and started digging. Unfortunately for John, he did not find any gold. If you try to rank your website for random keywords that you think will do well in Google search results, then you are John. Charles went to San Francisco, claimed his land and started digging next to hundreds of other miners that were already there. He did find some gold, but it wasnt much and he never got his gold mine that he dreamed of having one day. If you pick out random keywords to rank your website in Google search results that all your competitors are focusing on as well, then you are Charles.
NOTE: Most websites can only rank up to 10 keywords in Google search results without investing too much money. If you pick 10 random words, you have created a failed organic SEO plan for your website.

Jake figured he needed to hire someone to show him where to dig. Jake went to Albert and begged him to give him the best gold mining consultant who will go to California with him and show him where to dig. Bob a professional gold miner, was an expert, he had great testimonials and clearly knew what he was talking about. Jake was sold! In fact, Jake sold everything he owned including his house, and went to San Francisco with Bob. Bob showed Jake where to dig, and Jake was digging. Jake found lots of gold, but all of it went to Bob. In other words, Jake was digging, and Bob was collecting. If you pay Google to send you traffic without measuring the quality of it, then Google is Bob, and you are Jake.

Charles, John, and Jake had to become gold mining experts before they even considered going to California. They could have hired Bob to teach them the techniques on finding gold, instead of telling them where to dig. All three should have worked together, Charles should have been digging, John should have been discovering new gold locations, and Jake should have been analyzing those locations.
Using technology you can do the job of all three. If you are trying to rank for words in Google Search results by randomly choosing words, then you will spend a year before you realize you are not getting anywhere.

Randomly chosen keywords will most likely drive you traffic that is not engaging or fake. You cant cross the border because someone else found gold, and start digging at a random spot expecting to find something valuable. You need to be 100% confident before you spend your time and money. Oil companies spend billions on oil exploration and oil discovery. Before you can build a new house on your property, you must check for water underground, so the house doesnt collapse. Marketing your business is no different. FIND THE GOLD, you need to have solid proof that gold is underground before digging.

You should test the keywords by PAYING SOMEONE like Google to send you Pay Per Click traffic, and using the right tools to measure traffic quality for those words to see if they will result in sales. If you start buying paid traffic and it doesnt produce sales, what makes you think that organic traffic will do any better when you rank for those words? Why would you wait six months, and spend hundreds of hours of your time, and hundreds of dollars to find out the result if traffic from a certain keyword will result in sales? Why not buy a few hundred visitors and get the results in less than one week?

If you dont have time to do this type of research, you can hire an Adwords Consultant to measure this for you and find your GOLD. If you are new to Adwords, then before you hire anyone I would recommend that you learn absolutely everything there is to know about Adwords.


Which tools should you use to measure keyword traffic quality and find that gold? Well you can use a tool that everyone uses, called Google Analytics. By using that tool, you will be one of the thousand gold miners digging alongside each other and sharing stories about whose visitor bounce rate and time on site is higher. These stories are great for socializing at conferences, but not that great for business. Google Analytics is like a shovel, it can do the job, but it will take three months before you can figure out if a certain keyword is working or not. If you want results, you need some heavy duty machinery to dig deep, fast and get your answers overnight.

The heavy duty machinery that can get the job done is usually too expensive for small businesses, but today there is one that is available and most importantly it is very affordable. It is called Traffic Analyzer by Shopping Cart Elite. Dont take my word for it, go and judge for yourself: WATCH FULL PLAYLIST of all the functionalities that the Traffic Analyzer can do and compare it to Google Analytics. It will measure traffic quality, phone sales and even tell you which keywords to keep or drop. Traffic Analyzer is equivalent to the tools that Alberts grandfather used to build his multi-million dollar gold mine.

You cant keep depending on marketing opinions of other people. Other people dont care about your success. You are the only one who cares about it, and you should be making the ultimate decisions. You are the CEO, not a minimum wage decision maker, and as a CEO you need to be an expert. Here is an easy test, if Google bought your company tomorrow, would they keep you as a CEO of your own company? Would Google approve your current marketing approach? If you answer NO! Then why as a CEO of your own company are doing what you are doing today? Why are you not making an effort of becoming an expert in whatever task that your company demands of you? I have no time is not an EXCUSE, not for a CEO.

If you need help with getting your stuff together, I recommend that you get this book. Take a leap of faith and read it, I promise you that you will be thankful that you did. If you prefer to buy this book on Amazon, here is a link.

Speak with our partner and expert in Adwords, let him look at your campaign at no charge. You might be already sitting on a gold mine, and he can help you better extract gold from the ground.

Build a new website with Shopping Cart Elite, and use the Traffic Analyzer to find the golden keywords. You will invest a few hundred dollars per month for a new website, but indirectly you will save thousands of dollars per year because it will help all of your websites. You can tweak all your keyword campaigns for all your website and marketing channels. Stop being Jake and paying Google your hard earned money for bringing NO VALUE to your business! In most cases, we found that buying random keywords wastes 70% of your advertising budget.

The amount of money you will save on this alone will justify having another website with Shopping Cart Elite because you can use the Traffic Analyzer. Delegate your existing budget or a new budget for the research using Google pay per click. REMEMBER, the first campaign is not to make money, it is to DISCOVER THE GOLDEN KEYWORDS. You need to figure out which keywords directly result in sales and focus on extracting as much traffic as possible from those keywords.

Shopping Cart Elite Traffic Analyzer will do that job for you. You simply invest some money into traffic, and you will have your first golden keywords in less than a week using the Traffic Analyzer. By doing this you will get solid proof if your business will succeed or not. Spend one week to create a one year plan, instead of spending one year gambling.