Are you driven by bad marketing activities?

Unfortunately, this is a phrase that has killed many could-be great marketing activities.

It happens with advertising channels:

We tried PPC, it didnt work.

It happens with customer experience channels:

We tried a mobile app, it didnt work.

It happens with social:

We had a blog, it didnt work.

And it happens a lot in A/B testing:

We tried a security seal. It didnt work. (Hint: It matters where your security seal is placed is it placed in your footer menu or beside the credit card input field where the customer experiences the most anxiety? Or are you such a strong brand that a security seal is unnecessary in the first place?)

Whats worse, some marketers fail to blame their strategies, and instead blame the tools. We tried A/B testing, we didnt get good results, therefore the testing software doesnt work!

The danger in reliance on ROI

We care about return on investment because we think it helps us divert money away from bad marketing activities so theres more for good.

If youre driven by data alone, without investigating why numbers are as less-than-awesome, you risk killing or starving entire channels, campaigns, strategies, tactics that could be resuscitated with optimization efforts.

Are you pulling the trigger too soon?

ARTICLE SOURCE: This factual content has not been modified from the source. This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is strictly for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of commercial purposes of this blog.