Ecommerce strategy: advertising through press releases

Press releases should be a part of your ecommerce strategy. Your web site can't sell itself alone. It needs advertising, and making a press release is a form of advertising that works.

A press release is a news article that aims to promote a business, product or web site. It's not objective like "real" newspaper articles but it can still be persuasive if you do it right.

To use a press release in your ecommerce strategy, you write up an article about your web site, or something connected to it. Then you distribute the article to the press and if they like it, they will publish the press release. Or you can pay them to do so (whether they like it or not.)

Now for this ecommerce strategy to work, follow these rules of press release writing:

- Choose a topic that relates to your product/business. Say you're selling herbal products. Write an article about the beneficial effects of herbal medicine on women's health.

- Create a news-item sounding title. Don't make it sound like an ad, like "Best Ecommerce Strategy Book Now Available!" Try something like "Latest Study Shows: Ecommerce Strategies Outdated" (don't worry; you can plug in your ebook later).

- Write a summary block in Title Case below the heading. It must sum up the whole article. Like, "Research Shows So-So Herb is Good for Pregnant Women."

- Split the article into 3 parts: opening paragraph, middle paragraphs, concluding paragraph. The opening must say it all. The middle ones go into some detail about the study/story. And finally, the last paragraph must lead readers to whatever you're promoting. If so-so herb is good for women, tell them there's this great herbal product like that for sale at such and such a store. Since this is ecommerce strategy, you then plug your web site. "Go to for details!"

- Add your letterhead/logo at the top of the page. Then your name and contact info, and the press release date.

- Add an "About So-So Company" at the end. This is where you brag about your business.

There are both free and paid press release web sites online. We suggest you try both. Oh, and submit it to related periodicals and magazines, say women's magazines in our example.

Remember: If it's to a real newspaper you'll be mailing your PR to, the editors are after a good story. They don't care about your product. So make sure your press release has a good story in it. Used wisely, it will prove to be a valuable ecommerce strategy.

ARTICLE SOURCE: This factual content has not been modified from the source. This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is strictly for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of commercial purposes of this blog.