Facebook Video Advertising

How Facebook Can Help with Video Advertising

Social media has become a large part of everyone’s daily life. It’s our way to procrastinate or pass the time when we’re bored. There are so many different platforms today so anyone can find something that interests them. From photos to witty posts, to memes- there’s an endless amount of entertainment on social media. That being said, it’s also a great place to advertise. With so many people spending a large portion of the day on them, you can find an audience to reach out to that would actually be interested in your item or service. However, what platform should you choose and what’s the best form of advertisement?

Facebook Advertising

Facebook is still one of the most widely used platforms, despite recent events, boasting a user base of over 2 billion people. In fact, it’s the biggest advertising opportunity since search. On top of that, their ads are so cheap in comparison to other platforms. Trust us when we say that trying to gain customers organically no longer works if you have big aspirations. The beauty of Facebook is that you’re able to set your own budget. They offer two different kinds. By setting a daily budget, you specify how much you’re willing to spend per day. With a lifetime budget, you’re establishing the amount that you’re willing to pay during the lifetime of a certain ad. In the end, though, it’s not about the amount of money that you are willing to spend, but instead, it depends on how much you’ll be able to maximize your budget. A good way to accomplish that is by making a simple strategy.

Another huge advantage of advertising on Facebook includes their targeting capabilities. They offer many more advanced targeting options apart from the generic age and gender such as behaviors, interests, demographics, connections, languages, and locations. You can even layer them up that way you can make the most narrowed down selection. This helps you save a lot of money as you won’t be spending money for clicks made by people that have a really slim chance of converting. They are even helpful with remarketing via custom audiences. This is incredibly advantageous because remarketing helps companies target those that are the most likely to be interested in your item or service based on past activity, which further increases your chances of conversion. Yet another great feature that Facebook offers is called “lookalike audiences”, which entails cloning a high converting audience that you’ve already found that way you take a custom audience that Facebook uses to find new people that are very similar. In other words, they find people that are most likely very interested in what it is that you have to offer.

How to Create a Facebook Ad

Now that you know how Facebook advertising works, we can go even deeper and detail the steps necessary to take in order to create your own ad. You begin by establishing a business objective, which is the reason for running the ad in the first place. Continue by analyzing who it is that you want to reach out to. Based on that knowledge, select the demographics and behaviors that correctly depict your sought-after audience. Then, you set either your daily or lifetime budget. The difference between the two can be found earlier in the text. The most creative part of the whole process follows after. In this stage, you figure out which format fits your business the best. You can choose between a photo, carousel, video, slideshow, or canvas, depending on the one that would fit your audience’s viewing preferences the most. That being said, one of the most popular and effective formats is Facebook video advertising.

Facebook is a platform that really understands how people watch videos based on their years of experience with it. This platform has dealt with everything starting from text, to images, and all the way to video. Their advertising options with it reflect how people absorb video, whether it’s a bite-sized one that they watch on their mobile devices or longer ones that they watch from the comfort of their home. You can, for instance, get on the radar of users via in-feed ads that remind people of your company or in order to introduce a new item. On the contrary, you could try and make a connection with an immersive video ad that’s vertical, for instance. You could even drive more people towards sales by trying to get them to explore deeper with the help of combining both a video ad with item images and carousels to try and gain their interest. Take advantage of non-skippable, mid-roll video ads, too, if you want to tell a longer story. In addition, a great feature that they offer is testing out the video in their Creative Hub. There, you can make mockups for ads and share them with anyone that way you can have an idea of how it would run if it were actually live.

However, regardless of the format that you choose, as soon as you’ve made it, you can place your order so that it can enter their ad auction, which helps your ad get to the correct audience. As soon as it’s live, it’s important that you track its performance and make any changes when necessary. Constant optimization is crucial if you want your ad to be better than others. As you can see, all of this can be done on your own if you put in the time and effort, but regardless, there are still many nuances that can only be solved with the right tools and with the experienced eye.

This is where agencies such as our own come into play. Our threat and engagement analytics agency does just as the name suggests, detects and eliminates threats while makes an analysis on user engagement to identify any obstacles or trends that are developing within your audience. We also provide users with a dashboard that gives them a 360-degree overview of every marketing campaign that they have along with their activity and their performance. To get a better look at all of our tools, check out the free webinar located on our website.