Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Online

Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Online Advertising: FAQs

The world of online advertising can be tricky to navigate sometimes. Those just starting out with marketing efforts for their business can soon become overwhelmed by the many systems, acronyms, and finer details. Google’s AdWords pay-per-click online advertising system is no different. Although simple enough in principle, there are many elements that you need to be aware of.

Becoming an expert in AdWords PPC takes time, practice, and research. Although you may be far off that level now, you can start by getting the fundamentals right. In previous articles we’ve explored various areas of PPC marketing. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding AdWords PPC. Hopefully it will give you the confidence and understanding to succeed with your own PPC campaigns.

Q: What is Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Online Advertising?

It’s not surprising to hear this question, particularly from businesses that are now to the world of online commerce. The terms pay-per-click and Google AdWords are often thrown around in relation to marketing, but what do they mean?

A: Google’s AdWords in a system through which you can buy advertising space in Google’s search engine results pages. Unlike other forms of online advertising, there is no upfront fee you need to pay. Instead, you are only charged for users who interact with your ads. This means only when people click on your advertising link will you be charged.

AdWords works on an auction system. This means that on the specific keywords you want your ads to appear on, you’ll have to place a maximum bid. There are other factors, including competitor ranking and the quality of your ads, that determine whether your bids are successful and where they appear.

Google tries to emphasise the need for quality content across all aspects of their services, and this includes PPC.

As an advertiser, you can use PPC to drive new traffic, increase brand awareness, have more users engage with your website, and drive sales.

Q: Is Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Online Advertising Right For Me?

Businesses that are newly launching their online presence may be unsure whether Google AdWords is the right choice for them. This is particularly true of those who operate in small niches.

A: The reality is that PPC advertising can work for just about any business. When thoroughly researched and planned out, a Google AdWords pay-per-click online advertising campaign can yield some excellent results. One of the main benefits is that it’s generally quite cost effective. If you’ve just launched your website, you can start to generate some new traffic without a big initial outlay. Furthermore, you can scale your campaigns depending on how effective they are. It’s possible, and usually encouraged, for you to test the waters with specific keywords to see how they perform. If you’re getting good results, there’s no reason you can’t increase the amount you spend to drive even better results.

A good rule of thumb is to search for keywords that are related to your business. Are there ads already on these keywords? If there are, it shows that there will likely be some competition. If not, it could provide a good opportunity for you. Take inspiration from the existing ads to see which you like, and which you don’t. Google’s AdWords research tool is a really useful way of gaining this insight across multiple search terms.

Q: Is Google AdWords the Only PPC System?

With the prevalence of Google for just about everything internet-related, it seems like they are the only option when it comes to PPC advertising. But are there other systems and alternatives?

A: Although the vast majority of searches go through Google, there are other platforms on which you can (and probably should) advertise on. With over 160 billion monthly Google searches, it is the clear winner in terms of traffic, but other major PPC systems include:

  • Bing Ads: Microsoft’s search engine Bing receives around 5 billion monthly searches, presenting a huge audience for you to advertise to. They offer all of the features you would expect form a PPC platform, and figures show that shoppers in the Bing network spend 25% more than average internet searchers.
  • Yahoo! Gemini: Yahoo! delivers a variety of PPC-based services across numerous platforms and devices. Although their audience is far smaller than Google and Bing, it may still be worth a look.
  • Amazon: If you’re an eCommerce retailer and you list your ads on Amazon, you can buy ‘sponsored’ space on their website. It’s an excellent way to gain visibility for your brand.

Q: Which Keywords Should I Target On AdWords?

Keywords are a vital concept to understand. They can define your brand, and are the words and phrases that your customers use to find your services. So how do you know which ones to target on AdWords?

A: There’s no short and easy answer to this, as it really depends on the individual business. However, there are many useful tools that can help you find the right answer. To start with, brainstorm a list of key words and phrases that you think define your brand. From this, use a keyword research tool to come up with a long list of related suggestions. This list can have many uses in terms of online activity, including SEO and PPC.

The AdWords research tool that we mentioned earlier can be used to determine the competition and cost per click of particular keywords. With this information you can start planning vaguely how much you’re willing to spend on your AdWords campaign. From here, you can determine which ads are worthwhile and financially feasible to target. Perhaps the best advice we can give is to try on a small scale first to determine which keywords are successful. You can then build on these early successes to yield even greater results.

Q: What Are Keyword Matches?

This is a question that often gets asked, particularly by newcomers to PPC. Are there different types of keywords? How do you make sure you rank for some and not for others?

A: Keyword matches allow AdWords users to segment who sees their ads. There are three main types that you need to know about:

  • Broad match.This means that your ad will appear whenever people search for your given keywords, regardless of the order they appear in, or other words in the search string. It’s a great way of maximizing your reach, but means that sometimes the results aren’t relevant. You run the risk of attracting views and clicks from customers who are not interested in your business.
  • Phrase match.In order to be a bit more refined, phrase matches can be used. In this instance your ads will appear when the search string contains the keywords in the exact order that you’ve specified. It will also appear even if the search includes additional words.
  • Exact match.The most refined way of targeting your customers is with an exact match. Here, the ad will only display when the exact keyword is searched for as you specify it. The compromise is that your potential views are greatly reduced.

Q: How Do I Know If My Google AdWords Pay-Per-Click Online Advertising Is Working?

Once your ads are live, they require a fair amount of attention and maintenance. Although analytics are important, what do you need to look for when you’re analyzing your ads?

A: The answer to this largely depends on what your original goals were. If you were just looking to drive traffic, then see how many new visitors you’re getting from your ads. Most businesses will be looking for some deeper engagement than this, so metrics such as conversion rate will give insight into how they’re performing. Making adjustments is important, and you’ll want to make a lot of refinements when you’re first starting out. Having a comprehensive set of analytics, such as provided by TEA Software, can go a long way in helping you maximize the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns.

Q: What Is TEA Software?

TEA Software can help your business run cost-effective marketing campaigns and deliver in-depth insight into how your customers behave once they’re on your site. But what exactly is it?

A: TEA stands for Threat and Engagement Analytics. It’s a software suite that delivers advanced analytics for your website and marketing channels. There are some powerful features that make it innovative and cost-effective:

  • PPC Optimization: You can find out exactly where your ad budget is going, and whether it’s being spent properly, with TEA’s insights. It can automatically detect and rank traffic sources, eliminating any threats such as clickfraud. Every cent you spend will be accounted for, going towards genuine traffic that will convert.
  • Site Engagement Analytics: Insights into customer behavior are critical for understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your website. TEA can provide detailed information on what your customers do when they enter your website, as well as suggest trends and areas of improvement. Through the data you uncover, you can improve your website’s overall conversion rate and customer experience.