How to Avertise on Facebook

How to Advertise on Facebook

Despite all of the negative press surrounding Facebook, this company is still at the top of its game. In fact, Facebook advertising is huge and it’s only continuing to grow. How come?

Well, for one, over two billion people use Facebook. The users that are very active on the network; a whopping 800 million per day. However, out to such a large audience may actually end up being counterintuitive and expensive as you really only want to reach out to those who would actually be interested in your item or service. Thankfully, though, Facebook provides companies with several layers of targeting, therefore, you are able to focus your ads directly to the audience of your choosing that way your company is able to maximize ROI. In other words, by combining Facebook’s large, global audience with the ability to target your ads via demographics, location, interests, as well as behaviors, you will be able to reach out to the right people, people who are actually interested in purchasing your items or services.

Don’t stop at Google AdWords! If you want to be able to get the best return on your advertising dollars then mastering Facebook advertisements is a must. Therefore, let’s take a look at the steps necessary in order to advertise on Facebook effectively.

First, you need to get to know who your customers are. Therefore, you need to be engaging to learn about their common interests. In turn, you’ll be able to make nicer ads for audiences that are better targeted, thus being able to nurture much more effectively. The next step that you need to take is to add the Facebook Pixel to your site. This is a great way to be able to find out the kind of return that you’re receiving from your ad spend. You can optimize it for any kind of on-site action and you can create remarketing lists. Now, since not all two billion of the Facebook users are interested in your item or service, it’s important to you disclose your ideal audience whether it be a combination or just one of the following categories: geographic location, demographics, behavior, or interest. Along with this, you want to make sure that your Relevance Score is high as this decreases your CPC, also known as cost-per-click and it’s overall, just very important since your goals will be based on clicks, visibility, as well as brand awareness and engagement. The Relevance Score measures the quality of your Facebook ad based on both the positive and negative feedback that you get from your audience.

Now, you’re ready to select the best ad format. Facebook provides you with many different formats, but make sure that you align your ad creative and copy along with both what you offer and your audience. Also, keep in mind that you need to assign the majority of your budget to your campaigns that can be fixed to revenue. Although working on your brand is important, it won’t help you in the long run, therefore, you need to put together targeted audiences with a solid creative together with everything that you know about Facebook auction in order to bid competitively and yet within your price range. If you don’t know, the company that wins a Facebook ad auction wins when they’ve got the highest “total value”, which is based on three things: the advertiser bid, the ad quality and relevance, as well as the estimated action rates.

This stage in the process is the fun part as you get to work on creating the ads. Facebook is great as it allows you to combine a nice copy with captivating visuals in order to create high-converting ads. A great way to do so is by telling a story. Thankfully, Facebook provides a Creative Hub, which lets you find some incredible ads in various formats. Now, it’s time to go back to Pixel, which will have lots of site-visitor information to turn your potential customers into actual customers. Another thing that you need to remember to do is to test out your Facebook ads. It’s a crucial part if you want to be the best. Therefore, you need to alter your bids, audiences, as well as your visual and copy creative often. You are even allowed to set up A/B testing.

In the end, you’ll end up spending a whole lot less time and money going through prospects that aren’t interested. Audiences that are similar will help you find new prospects that have attributes that of your current audience.

This may all seem like a lot and it is, but it doesn’t have to be if your company invests in a PPC management agency. There are many to choose from today, so it won’t be difficult to find one that fits your company’s wants and needs. Down below, however, we’ll introduce you to our own agency.


Our agency TEA, which stands for threat and engagement analytics, assists users with measuring both website traffic and visitor engagement. We also offer social media campaign management. This is made possible with our engagement tools such as engagement trends analysis and remarketing segmentation. The engagement trend analysis technology that we have assists users with identifying visitor behavior trends and their actual conversion rate for their site. The remarketing segmentation tools lets users go after actual potential customers with the right ads. Our campaign management tools let users monitor their marketing campaigns by offering insight into actual visitor activity in places like bounce rate and time on site.

Our main dashboard lets users get a 360-degree overview on every single one of their marketing campaigns, their activity, and their performance. They are also able to monitor how their keywords, tags, and referrers are doing and then analyze which of the elements are doing well and which ones offer bad engagement. Since users receive a detailed marketing analysis, they are able to measure visitor engagement like the first and last touch across banner ads, Facebook, or Google PPC.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you with social media campaign management, check out the webinar located on our site!