How to make Google Pay for your Google Organic Ranking

I had a client call me and he really wanted to improve his website traffic. He currently gets 5,000 unique visitors per month on his website.

A good idea came to me. Have Google Adsense pay for one of our SEO packages for this client. From my statistics over the past ten years, having Google Ads on your website, DOES NOT DECREASE YOUR CONVERSIONS AND DOES NOT INCREASE YOUR BOUNCE RATE, which are both critical tests.

Do you think if it wasnt worth it companies below would be doing it?

Besides would a real customer really click on an Ad in the first place? Everyone knows what an ad looks like nowadays, Google makes 20 billion dollars a year from it and has been doing it for a decade.

The individual who does click on advertisement ad is probably so clueless that I can assure you that they were not going to buy anything from you. If they are a real customer who might have bought something from you, they are probably shopping around for a better deal. This again concludes that customer who clicks on ads would not buy from you because you dont have a good enough price. If you do, I am sure they will come back.

Now based on my statistics, for every 5,000 visitors that you will get in the automotive industry, you will get around $100 per month in revenue from ads.

So here is what I recommended to my client.

I said, lets turn the Adsense on the homepage and category pages of your website and we will use the revenue to fund the SEO for keywords that would be responsible for increasing your traffic and generating more sales.

He asked me which keywords would those be? I replied to him to watch my new Keyword Research video that will give him the answers.

The milestone would be to reach 10,000 unique monthly visitors, then the next one is 20,000 unique monthly visitors.

After 20,000 unique monthly visitors, you can downgrade your SEO, keep the Adsense revenue and the adsense revenue will cover the ongoing SEO marketing and Shopping Cart Elite overhead for you while you are making sales.

If you interested in doing additional SEO and you have the traffic, contact [email protected]