Moderated Reviews Help Users to Grow Confidence in your eCommerce Store

Some time ago, I was browsing through a popular eCommerce clothing store and this cool set of jeans caught my attention. I am usually quite skeptical about purchasing certain clothing items online as I am concerned about the size and their fit. However, this time I noticed that the product had various reviews stating that the item fitted perfectly and that customers who had already purchased them would suggest a larger size than what one would usually wear. So there I was ordering these jeans and waiting patiently for them to arrive. When they did arrive, they fitted perfectly and I was more than pleased to write reviews for this item and other items I had purchased!

When shopping in a normal off-line store, you have the advantage of being able to pick up the item, feel the material, try it on and read any information. One of the main barriers to online shopping is lack of product information. Customers should not be left wondering about the main characteristics of your products. Therefore, you should provide as much product information as you can, and allow other customers to write additional product information you may have missed!

Imagine if a sales person had to write such valuable product information for each and every item in store. I am sure the process would be both time consuming and impractical. However, by providing the online review feature, a company will not need to invest all that much effort in producing valuable content that might help your customers make a purchase decision.

The idea behind ratings and reviews is to encourage your existing customers to provide valuable content that may help potential buyers to make a purchase decision, and to provide unique product content that may also drive Search Engine traffic.

Why should an eCommerce site have moderated reviews?

  • Reviews add valuable content for your website and will help users to grow confidence in your store.

  • Reviews can help to build a community directly on your own site.

  • They allow your customers to create that precious fresh and unique content that could help to optimise your websites search engine optimisation, and thus increase traffic to your site.

  • Valuable reviews can help your customers make an online purchase decision and thus increase conversion rates.

  • Reviews save time and reduce the workload on your own customer services personnel. Ratings and reviews allow shoppers to do the writing for you!

Article Source: This factual content has not been modified from the source. This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is strictly for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of commercial purposes of this blog.