Protect your brand from being hurt by a critic

Social media is wonderful in its ability to bring brands and consumers together, but that relationship can be undermined by harsh public criticism. And, unfortunately, it happens to every brand, whether its an angry customer airing a grievance, a former employee bashing you, or a competitor unfairly sniping. What should you do when the hate comes your way? Heres how your brand should respond to criticism on social media.

Listen: The Small Business Association identifies this as a top priority. Before you respond, know exactly what people are saying about you. The only thing worse than being criticized is not knowing youre being criticized, so make sure to monitor all social conversations to nip trouble in the bud.

Evaluate: Once you know whats being said, evaluate whether or not the criticism is valid. The truth can hurt, but its better to acknowledge your weaknesses than deny them. Carefully evaluating also helps you take a step back. Its easy to fire off an emotional response when criticized, but that is dangerous in a public forum where everything you do is a reflection of your brand. Instead, take time to decide whether the criticism is grounded in truth, if it warrants a response, or if it is just trying to provoke a reaction.

Craft Your Response: If the criticism is valid and you deem it worthy to respond, do so as soon as possible. (This is vital, as a recent study by Oracle found that 81% of Twitter users expect a same-day response from a company.) Even if you dont have an immediate resolution, acknowledging the issue or complaint as soon as possible helps people feel heard, and makes them more willing to work with you to resolve the matter at hand. Remember: These are people. Treat them with respect, and speak to them in a professional but personal matter.

Defend, Dont Attack: If you feel that the criticism is unwarranted, you are welcome to stand your ground. But do not be overly aggressive, accusatory, or attacking in your message. Instead, do your best to demonstrate sympathy and understanding. This humanizes your brand to both the critic and other consumers. Above all, keep it professional.

Take a Sidebar, If Necessary: If you decide to address a criticism, acknowledge it publicly for the sake of transparency. But if you feel ongoing communication should take place offline, request the person contact you directly by phone or email.

Let it go: You cant satisfy every critic, but if you make a concerted effort that shows the criticand your communitythat you have tried to resolve it, it will help your brand more than it hurts.

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