Social Media Advertising

Why You Should Advertise on Social Media Platforms

Digital advertising has become key in the majority of marketing campaigns and you know what’s at the center of it all? Social media.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are taking over which is why now’s the time to invest in advertising on them if you haven’t yet done so. A social media ad is just like any paid content, but it’s done so on a social media network. It can be anything from a simple tweet or an Instagram post all the way to a huge advertisement campaign. However, creating a social media advertising strategy that actually works specifically for your company can be difficult, especially considering the number of choices available. That being said, it’s not impossible and with a little help, you’ll be able to get started in no time. First, let’s go through a few tips and tricks that can assist you with advertising on social media.

Social Media Advertising Tips and Tricks

For starters, take advantage of free social media that way you can test out your posts. Monitor the types that are being clicked on, liked, shared, as well as commented on. This helps you figure out which messages are the ones that will perform the best. Another feature that you definitely shouldn’t neglect include the targeting capabilities provided by the platforms. You won’t get these kinds of capabilities when it comes to traditional marketing, therefore, make sure that you narrow down your audience to the most specific one possible that way you see the biggest ROI. You also shouldn’t forget to rotate your ads fairly often. People don’t like seeing the same ads over and over. If you want constant engagement, you have to have fresh content. In fact, if you don’t do so, there’s a bigger chance of you losing business versus gaining it. Additionally, one of the greatest advantages of social media advertising is the fact that you get instant feedback. You can see how effective a sponsored post is and also receive an advanced analytics report while you’re at it. The best way to do this is by trying out a few ads with small audiences in order to figure out which one is the most effective and then choose the best one of them to be your main campaign. Another thing that you need to understand is your goal. Are you making it based on impressions or engagements? This means that if you choose to pay every time a person sees your ad, then your message could end up casting a large net. However, when you’re paying for engagement, you only want those that are interested in your company to engage. Also, make sure that you create ads with mobility in mind as the majority of people use various social media platforms via their mobile device. Therefore, your ad needs to be designed to fit the screen properly.

Now that you’ve got a few tips and tricks under your belt, let’s go over how advertising on Facebook works. We’ve chosen this platform as it’s the biggest and the beauty of it is that it’s got Instagram under its hood, therefore technically we’ll outline working with both Facebook and Instagram.

Advertising with Facebook

Firstly, just as with anything in life, you begin with an objective, that way you have a goal to work towards. Facebook offers 15 different kinds of them that are broken down into three categories. Those categories are awareness, consideration, and conversion. Only then can you start with the creation of your ad. Facebook offers a variety of ad types, therefore you can create an ad that caters the most to your business. A few of them include photo ads, video ads, carousel, slideshow, and canvas. Just make sure that the choice of media that you select follows the size specifications that way nothing is low-quality or distorted. Afterward, it’s time to target. A platform like Facebook offers very advanced targeting capabilities so be sure that you take advantage of them! You can start with easy options such as age, gender, language, and location. However, they also let you layer on top of that with targeting options such as demographics, interests, and behaviors. This lets you narrow down your audience to the maximum that way you are able to reach out to those that have the greatest chance of converting. Now, when it comes to pricing, Facebook is great as they let you select your own budget, that way you aren’t paying more than you can afford. They let you choose between two types of budgets. A daily budget is the amount that you are willing to pay per day for an ad while a lifetime budget is the amount that you are willing to pay during the lifetime of an ad. However, if you want to win in their auctions, then you do want to have a higher CPC bid, which stands for cost-per-click. Don’t let that worry you, though, because should you win, you won’t be paying based on your bid but rather, based on the minimum bid for that specific auction.

If you’d like to make the most out of your social media ad budget, however, the best way to do so is with an agency such as our own.


TEA, which is short for threat and engagement analytics, is our social media campaign management solution that combines threat detection and elimination with user engagement analysis to yield the best results. This is made possible with the help of various tools that we provide users.

For instance, our engagement trend analysis technology assists users with identifying visitor behavior trends. Also, our remarketing segmentation tools let users with targeting actual potential customers with the right ads. They are even able to track how their keywords, tags, and referrers are doing. At the same time, both our automated fraud protection and engagement fraud protection makes sure that all of the data gathered is related to actual visitors instead of bots. If you’d like an in-depth outline of our solution, head on over to our site where you can watch a free webinar.