The Best Way to Advertise on Facebook

The Best Way to Advertise on Facebook

If you don’t live under a rock then you are well aware of how effective Facebook advertising is, especially in today’s day and age. Apart from the fact that this platform provides businesses with a huge audience with over 2 billion users, it also provides them with many tools that can assist with targeting the right group of people at a budget that you set on your own. This way, your money is going towards the right people at a price that you are willing to pay; no more and no less. In order to see the greatest success rate, however, there are a number of tips and tricks that you can incorporate in order to create the best ads with the highest ROI.

Tips and Tricks for Advertising on Facebook

First and foremost, try and experiment with various Facebook ad types. You can, for instance, take the time to create Facebook canvas ads. Now, we know that this may be time-consuming, but in the end, it’s totally worth the time and effort as they are very engaging. The beauty of it is that Facebook provides you with many templates, so you literally would just have to drag and drop onto it. You could also utilize Facebook carousel ads, which is a great way to show off your items. This is especially effective on mobile devices. Other types of ads include page post engagement ads, video ads, GIF ads, as well as Facebook lead ads.

Another thing that you shouldn’t neglect includes tracking, reporting, and account creation. Facebook Analytics comes with a variety of features that you should utilize that way you can see how both potential and current customers are interacting with your site or Facebook page, for instance. You can even take advantage of Facebook Pixel, that way you can track various conversion metrics on your site. You should also learn how to structure your account correctly and in a way specific to Facebook. This structure includes selecting a campaign, breaking out ad sets and then cycling the ad sets. Keep in mind that throughout the entire process, you only need to learn to maximize your current budget versus trying to make as much money as you can to invest in the process. You won’t see better results by taking the latter route.

When it comes to remarketing, targeting, and audience creation, you need to master it. For instance, remarketing is so useful as it lets you target users based on actions that they’ve already made on either your site or social accounts. Therefore, you already know how they interact with your company and in what piece of the funnel they are in. Custom Audiences is the most common form of it. It lets you target customer files, site traffic, app activity, offline activity, as well as the engagement segment. Therefore, you get the opportunity to add behavioral, demographic, and interest targeting that way you can narrow your target audience even more. You can even experiment with lookalike audiences, which as the name suggests, entails finding an audience almost identical to the one that you currently have therefore you can find another group of potential customers while already having an idea of how they react. Again, you can create those audiences based on behaviors, interests, and demographics, which are options that you can select. They are much deeper than your typical age, gender, and location, for instance.

On top of that, you really want to familiarize yourself with sizing and spec requirements. It’s not appealing to the eye when your ad looks deformed, let alone paying for something that isn’t pleasing to the eye. Therefore, stick to the specs that Facebook specifies to make sure that your ads are displayed properly. On that note, make sure that the images or footage that you’re using is relevant. Facebook actually gives you a relevance score that scores both the quality and engagement level, so you want to make sure that it’s high if you’d like a good CPC as well as get your ad to be displayed frequently.

Best Way to Advertise on Facebook

The best way, however, to advertise on Facebook is to invest in an agency that will do all of the hard work for you. All of the tips and tricks that we mentioned above are much easier said than done and, in addition, there are many nuances that are only easily spotted and settled with the experienced eye.

For instance, you want to be able to see how well the audience is engaging with your ads. Yes, Facebook provides you with some analytics tools, but they aren’t able to, for instance, provide you with engagement scores or even trends analysis. The thing is if a trend isn’t spotted amongst your audience, then if it’s something bad, it could put an end to your campaign if not tended to immediately. Additionally, you could be able to identify any obstacles that are standing in your way of success.

Another problem that you wouldn’t know how to deal with is bots. These nasty, human-like internet creatures are there to eat up all of your money. Take our word for it that they will spend all of your money meant for earning conversions, granted you don’t know how to put a stop to them. That’s why having a tool that can both identify and eliminate any suspicious activity is crucial.

That’s where an agency such as our own can help you immensely. TEA, which stands for threat and engagement analysis, is our social media campaign management agency that focuses on identifying and getting rid of threats while analyzing the user engagement that way you can figure out how to improve your ad. Through our detailed marketing analytics, users get to measure visitor engagement like first and last touch and ad position on Facebook. Then, both our automated click fraud protection and engagement fraud protection makes sure that all of the collected engagement data is related to actual visitors instead of bots.

If you want a complete overview, visit our website to watch the free webinar.