People use the internet for three primary purposes, which are research, shopping, and entertainment. Targeting all three of these search intents (in a manner that fits with your brand) can significantly increase your website traffic and sales. As a rule, the more interesting, useful, and relevant your site and related content are, the more likely visitors will share it with others.

Here are three easy viral marketing ideas for you to consider:

  1. Create an interesting or fun community around the topic of your business. Keep in mind that this does not have to be done on your website. Such communities can be created with social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or even a blog.
  2. Provide content rich research information on your site. Think in terms of info such as how-to information or terms and definition glossaries related to your offerings. These types of information are frequently shared with others online and can help create more valuable traffic and links to your site.
  3. Give people something fun to do online. Think in terms of what makes sense for your business. Fun things can be as simple as photo galleries related to events your company participates on your website, to sharing photos on Pinterest of your products and company activities. Both of these are pretty easy to set up and can create more opportunities for people to share you with others.

The ideas above may take a little time to implement. However, they are well worth it considering that they can drive more qualified traffic to your site, encourage people to tell others about you, and help you gain valuable links to increase your search engine rankings.

ARTICLE SOURCE: This factual content has not been modified from the source. This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is strictly for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of commercial purposes of this blog.