What would you do for $5?

Apparently a lot there is a website called Fiverr which lets you sell your life and soul for no less and no more than 5 box ($5.00).

At first I thought this was ridiculous as some of the work that individuals are posting will result in them working for free, but after considering why would someone do this it makes sense.

The reason you would sell a service for $5.00 that could be valued much more is to get your name out and get more work from it. It is a supply and demand effect. You start selling yourself for $5.00 and you wont even know it but you get a few good clients who are willing to pay much more for your time and you stop posting your $5.00 gigs.

For are a few examples that I think will help you use Fiverr to promote your business

  • Have someone record a product testimonial for one of your products. Than use it on your product page as well as your mass email campaign. It would be a good idea to also record several of them to run a product launch. I also recommend that you use real testimonial from your customers and simply put a face on them using the Fiverr talent, this way you can actually put a real person behind it.

  • Several people who have subscriptions to article marketing directories such as SEOlinkvine, MyArticleNetwork, etc. are selling $5 gigs where you can have them submit the article for you. This is a great way to save $50/mo to each network. It makes sense for these guys to do it because after 10gigs they recover their monthly fee. Everyone wins.

  • Use Fiverr to spin (rewrite) your articles. I know its easy to use a third party software to do it, but personally I just would not have time to do it. Let someone do it for you for $5.00 and no training needed! They do this for a living. So you can have one guy write it and spin it and another submit it.

These are just a few ideas that I found to be useful using Fiverr. I am sure you can find more stuff.

If you have a website with Shopping Cart Elite, make sure you dont abuse it by getting 100s of different gigs and creating too many of the same anchor text links.