Your fantasy football experience can help to market your business online

This may come as a surprise, but if youre playing fantasy football, you already have the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful at email marketing.

Trust me, I know it sounds crazy. What could fantasy football have to do with marketing your business?

But before you close this post and move on to the million other things you probably need be doing, take a few moments to consider these 5 points:

1. You can tackle the technology

From drafting players, managing rosters, reviewing trades, and monitoring the endless amount of other activity happening in your league youve already proven how easy it is to learn a new technology.

Getting started with email marketing is no different. Plus, youll have plenty of help getting your campaign out the door.

(You can learn in-person, learn online, or call and speak to a real person. Whatever is most convenient for you.)

2. You are an expert, a REAL expert

Theres no shortage of expert opinions in the fantasy football world.

But when it comes to email marketing youre already the expert.

You know your customers, you understand their needs, and youve been delivering a quality experience since the day you opened your doors or started your organization. That expertise will be your biggest advantage when you start to take those relationships to the inbox.

3. You know the value of a good trade

If youve been playing fantasy football for awhile, youve probably run into a few people who really do not understand the concept of a fair trade.

This is a common email marketing misstep as well.

You cant expect to get something from your audience if youre unwilling to give them something in return. Offering something of value will set you apart in the inbox and put you ahead of other salesy messages plenty of brands are sending out.

4. You already have a winning team

With email marketing, you have a team you can rally.

These are the people who have an interest in your business and are likely already seeking out information about your products and services online. Theyve shopped at your store, visited your website, and have probably helped introduce you to their friends and family.

They are your biggest fans and would jump at the chance to stay connected if given the opportunity.

5. Youre a pro at tracking your results

When I talk to people who are passionate about fantasy football, one of the things Im most impressed with is their ability to keep track of scores and numbers and use that information to improve their results.

Just as you consider a players week-to-week performance when filling out your roster or evaluating a trade, youll need to be able to take the numbers in your email marketing reports (open rates, click-through rates, bounces, etc.) and use them to make smarter email marketing decisions.

Its something that all successful email marketers do well and its something youre already a pro at.

Hey, youre still here!

I hope this post proved that beyond increasing your Football IQ, your fantasy football experience can put you in a good position to market your business online.

If you havent already, sign up for your free 60-day trial and put your talents to work.

If you know someone who loves fantasy football, but is still on the fence about email marketing, make sure to share this post!

SOURCE:, this factual content has not been modified from the source. This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is strictly for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of commercial purposes of this blog.