
Description: Engagement reports show you how a particular user engages your website and based on the information you gather you can improve the flow and quality of your website.

Things We Cover:

  • Engagement


Go to Analytics > Engagement

You can search by date range using search filter and view visitor statistic in Overview tab

Press "Show Relationships" to view relationships between visits from same IP for conversion tracking. Also you can use filter based on specific rules

Use tabs to view different type of graphs and radio buttons to filter between different type of traffic or all type. Also you can use filter below graphs to see different type of traffic results

For details go to "Details" tab. Use to see specific results. You can view below detailed visitor report with users engagement path and view

In "Live" tab you can see live visitor view and engagament for their visit

In "Suspicious Bot IPs" tab you can see possible bot traffic

To export your engagement data out use "Export" button. To setup notification for your engagement below use "Notifications" button