You Should Test That

Learn to use tests that improve your website’s conversion rates.

Do you see your site as a piece of art; every page element, animation, link, and headline are put together to create a balanced and stunning sculpture?

That is an enticingly romantic idea, however, this won’t help get your site to help your company.

What you actually need is a site that operates as smooth as it can; you want it to be more like a motorcycle than a sculpture. Therefore, you constantly have to test it and make adjustments by adding new parts or getting rid of old ones as well as fixing or changing up old ones all to make the entire machine work much better.

In this text we will outline what it is that you can do in order to make your site match up with your wider business goals. This is accomplished by focusing on one of the most crucial metrics: the conversion rate. You will also find out about which certain features of your site can help boost your conversion rate as well as how you can ensure that your site is consistently getting better.

You will find out:

  • How come SEO is the best friend rather than the enemy of your conversion rate
  • What you can do to get your visitors to remain on your site for longer
  • What Wordpress found out in order to get its users from ever getting anxious

Optimizing for a higher conversion unlocks hidden profits for your business.

In the Information Age of today, companies have to have a solid web presence if they’d like to succeed, regardless of whether they are selling most of their items in physical stores. Indeed, based on a study done by Experian, 90 percent of shoppers do some research online prior to buying them in physical stores.

As you can see, you need a site. However, you don’t just need any old site. In order to be a successful company, it won’t be enough for you to just optimize your site so that you end up getting lots of traffic. You want the traffic to convert into monetary value right away.

Therefore, your objective is to get your site visitors to turn into actual customers. That’s exactly what the conversion rate revolves around.

The conversion rate outlines the percentage of site visitors that do a specific action that you’d like them to do. Some actions include making a purchase or signing up for the newsletter, for instance. In other words, the conversion rate of your website is the number of visitors divided by the amount of those visitors who end up doing the action that you’d like them to.

Afterward, your objective is to sell the greatest number of items to the visitors that you’ve already got with the help of conversion rate optimization (CRO).

CRO directly impacts your conversion rate as well as assists you with steering clear of the halo effect that you get from a site that’s not made well. The halo effect occurs when the bad experience of a customer with your site negatively impacts their attitude towards your items.

The author, for instance, remembers a time when he had gone onto BlackBerry’s site. It had been very slow because because they had used big images. As soon as the page finally loaded completely, the author saw their collection of all of the newest BlackBerry phones under their header, “Unbelievably fas., Unmistakably BlackBerry.”

If you put the irony to the site, the slow loading time could make it more difficult for shoppers to truly believe that BlackBerry phones are as fast as they say that they are. Despite the fact that the site’s loading time isn’t related to the phone, that overall feeling of slowness keeps on hanging over the product like a halo.

Many websites are optimized based on false assumptions.

Whenever businesses are optimizing their site, they go after design agencies. The issue, though, is that you can’t depend that a solid design agency will even optimize your website for neither conversion rate nor revenue. Even though they may be good at making a sleek and visually stunning site, they typically aren’t aware of what your site’s business goals truly are.

Indeed, a lot of design agencies don’t know which criteria is the most important for making a successful site. This is proved through the first question that those agencies as their new clients: “What would you like your site to look like?”

Clients who aren’t very knowledgeable often look at their rivals’ sites in order to gain some inspiration. However, what if those sites are just as badly optimized as yours currently is? If you don’t have access to conversion data, it is very complicated to figure out the true effectiveness of their sites.

As a result, firms are only able to judge those sites based on the way that they look. However, in reality, the most crucial criteria is how the site actually works and how it impacts revenue.

Another big mistake that designers make whenever they are redoing the site of their client is that they use the HiPPO Method whenever they make decisions. This ends up yielding to the “highest-paid person’s opinion”.

Whenever designers present their ideas to the client, the final decision made ends up being made by a single person like the department head, or a C-level executive. However, even though they’ve got big names, they many not always have the knowledge necessary to make those types of decisions.

As a result, designers and businesses need to use the Customer Tested Method, which is based on the scientific methods of both hypothesis and testing.

With the help of that method, you create hypotheses about which page designs well help create the greatest conversion rate and then try it out to see if specific designs and layouts help produce more conversions.

If you’ve got a strong layout, there’s no need to argue about how effective it is. Instead, just test it out!

CRO goes hand in hand with SEO.

Whenever businesses remake their site, it looks as if all that they talk about is SEO. Through the obsession with their search engine rank, a few people are afraid that CRO will end up undercutting all of the work that they had put into ranking number one on Google.

Focused on search engine rank, they often end up prioritizing SEO over CRO. That being said, you need both of them if you’d like to create a successful site as they actually work hand in hand.

For example, one CRO goal is to get users to remain on your website for as long as you can in order to get them to perform a certain action while they are one it. Therefore, websites that are optimized for CRO end up being more user-friendly, which incidentally, is also good for SEO.

In order to see how this works, acknowledge that solid sites have got and understandable content hierarchy, relevant pictures, as well as relevant content. All of this helps ensure that users remain engaged. Fortunately, that’s some of the same criteria that Google utilizes when figuring out a website’s ranking on their search engine.

Therefore, by getting rid of things such as complex animation, which needs 90 seconds in order to load, visitors won’t end up frustrated with the never ending loading, therefore, they won’t leave your site after only being there for a couple of seconds. As a result, you will get a better conversion rate and Google will see the faster load-time and use it to enhance the ranking of your site.

A few people are afraid that the constant testing will cause website elements to change or to get deleted, the elements that had given you the nice ranking in the first place. However, this can be simply steered clear of via a few easy tricks.

First of all, use the right CRO tool with JavaScript Redirect, which will make the test invisible to search engines.

Ext, you want to make sure that you’re using the same title tags, meta tags, as well as heading content from your previous page onto every page that is subject to CRO testing. All of this is just as important for SEO.

Now that you have a very good idea of how come CRO is so crucial, down below, we’ve outline what you actually need to do in order to optimize your conversion rate.

Define your website’s goals before you start testing.

You shouldn’t be creating a site “just because”. You need to make sure that you’ve got a clear reason as to why you’re doing it, meaning you need to have clearly defined goals. If not, you’ll just be wasting your precious time as well as energy. Those goals have to be a whole lot more significant than just “increase sales”!

Begin by defining how come your site exits in the first place. Did you create it in order to provide information about your business and your items? Do you want to produce leads for your sales teams? Is this for Facebook and Twitter engagement? Are you trying to create a special brand image?

Regardless of the reason, it needs to be clearly defined prior to when you are able to actually optimize in order to get the results that you’re going after.

Afterward, create a list of site goals that go from the top-down goals waterfall that you’ve got. With the help of this system, higher-order goals notifies lower-order goals. Those then notify your certain goals for conversion-optimization tests.

For instance, you list could potentially look as follows: the initial goal is to boost item sales, the next one is to boost white paper downloads, the third is to produce more blog comments, and then the last one is to increase social media activity.

Through that entire chain, the goal of optimization needs to be to boost product sales.

That system will get the layout of your website to be simpler as well. If you understand that your main goal is to boost sales, then every element on your site that increases them needs to be enhanced first. Those elements that work in the direction of your next goal come second, and so on.

Now that your goals are clearly defined, you need to figure out which site elements are actually able to boost the conversion rate for those goals.

The LIFT model will help to identify the factors that influence conversion rate.

So, how are you able to figure out the factors that impact your conversion rate? One solid way to figure this out is by utilizing the LIFT model: Landing page Influence Function for Tests.

The LIFT model has six factors in it: value proposition, relevance, clarity, anxiety, anxiety, distraction, and urgency. Every single one of those factors can be enhanced in order to increase the conversion rate.

Value proposition is what your website provides your visitors. It is the basis of conversion rate optimization. If they realize that the advantages of your item are greater than the costs, then they will end up proceeding forward with it!

If you’ve got a solid value proposition but then have difficulties to convey it, then you have the best point to start optimization. That being said, if the value proposition isn’t strong, it won’t be easy to enhance conversion rates, even in the case that you’ve got a great site. If the item isn’t great, then you’ll need to go back to the drawing board.

Now that you’ve got a nicely communicated value proposition, you can begin optimizing other factors:

If you are relevant, then it means that those who have come onto your site are able to easily find whatever it is they are looking for. Whenever people come onto your site looking for something in particular, they scan through your website quickly trying to find any signal words, therefore, you have to take into consideration the best way to display them.

For instance, if they had found your website while they were searching for fountain-pen ink, then it needs to be simple for them to locate the section on the page where that ink is sold.

Clarity revolves around speaking what you are actually trying to say. This is easy; just make the content very understandable.

Anxiety describes the hesitation that potential customers get prior to making a move. A solid way to deal with this is by making yourself credible that way visitors feel. Make it clear that you will never send them any spam or that you would never take advantage of their private information.

Getting rid of distractions revolves around getting rid of products on your website, whether they are animations or large images, as they could take the attention away from the main message.

Lastly, inspirational urgency the visitors feel as if they’ve got to make a move right at the moment. You can make that sense of urgency via limited-time offers.

Formulate a testable hypothesis for each factor.

A few companies only pay attention to one factor to boost their conversions. That being said, this is a big mistake because steering clear of any single factor will cause you to end up missing out on some potential conversions. Therefore, the greater the number of factors that you’ll make better, the better the conversion rate will be.

However, to begin enhancing the factors that impact conversion, you’ll have to create hypotheses for them. Begin by analyzing every factor on the page you’re on right now and then come up with how they could be enhanced.

The concept in this case revolves around turning your weaknesses into strengths. For instance, suppose that you’ve evaluated your wine website for relevance, and then you realize that your heading doesn’t even talk about wine! Figuring this out provides you with the opportunity to make your weak headline into one that is able to keep the customers on the page.

At this point, you are ready to work on creating some hypotheses.

Every hypothesis is a statement that follows this formula: altering [an issue or weakness] into [what you’d like it to be] will enhance the conversion rate for [the goal you’re going after].

When we go back to the wine example, you could hypothesize that by repeating “wine” or any other wine terms inside of the headline will boost the amount visitors that end up staying on your website, thus enhancing conversions.

In addition, you are able to test out a solid hypothesis, which means that you can single it out to check and see if it’s true or not.

For instance, “Our visitors would rather see Helvetica font” is not a hypothesis that you can test. On the contrary, “Changing the headline font from Arial to Helvetica will boost the conversion rate for newsletter sign-ups” is something that you can test as you can say if that’s true or not post testing.